I was recently pondering two questions from the I Am Worthy Journal, and on pages.47-48; it reads in part:
“What lies have you believed over the years about God’s love?
What truth counters those lies?”
In pondering both questions I identified four lies that held me bound at different times, and I dug out scriptural truths to fight them with. I hope what I share not only encourages you, but also inspires you to dig, and find out the lies that hinder your own full embrace of God’s love!
Lie #1:
I used to think that at some point God would get tired of my failings. That he was looking down at me shaking his head (or maybe even with his head in his hands in utter disgust); and His acceptance of me and love for me would fluctuate and reduce in intensity when I wasn’t at my best. This disposition was due to my experiences in the school age years, times when my academic performance was disappointing . As such, my perception of my parents’ acceptance and pride of me was tied to my academic performance...this performance-oriented focus also clouded my view of God.
What truth counters that lie:
Nothing can EVER separate me from God’s love - Romans 8:38
I am accepted in the beloved - Ephesians 1:6
This truth continues to permeate various areas of my spiritual development. Fully believing that God’s acceptance of me and love for me is contingent on my relationship as a daughter - and not my performance (or lack thereof) has been a game changer!
Lie #2:
That God doesn’t care about the little details of my life. And that because he had much bigger fish to fry on earth - some of my prayer requests and heart desires were not a priority to him. I might as well push through those pains without involving him and save only the ‘big requests’ for his intervention.
What truth counters that lie:
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” 1 Peter 5:7
“And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” Luke 12:7
Note in this verse Apostle Peter does not say- only give your heavy-weight problems to God; neither does he say handle your problems skillfully. Instead God’s care is being reinforced as the reason we can trust him with all our burdens - small and big.

Lie #3:
A more recent lie I’ve recognized and had to uproot from my heart was that although I was following God’s way, others have the power to throw off my destiny. This then fuels people pleasing which God strongly opposes if it pushes seeking His approval to second place.
What truth counters that lie:
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Regardless of the twists and turns my life takes, and who comes in and out of my life - God can be counted on to work all those fine details to achieve the good he desired for my life before time began. What the Lord requires of me, is a heart set on loving Him and a life determined to seek out and fulfill his divine purpose.
Lie #4:
No need for big dreams, God’s will is what will happen anyway. He is sovereign to accomplish his desires on earth without my ambitious dreams. This lie would come into play usually around new ventures or exploration of ideas - the temptation would be to play small and safe, and not aim big. Motivated by fear, this lie can seem humble to the undiscerning ear but the caution it encourages is not from godly wisdom.
What truth counters that lie:
“Write the vision and make it plain, that he may run who readeth it” Habakkuk 2:2
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10
Yes, God is sovereign. But he gave us dominion on the earth. Yes he prepared work for us to do in advance - and we must seek him to understand how we are wired and called to serve; but we are also to dream and build. The establishment of all that was created by God himself serves as an example to us (since we are made in His glorious image) of what we are capable of accomplishing by His power and grace at work within us.
As you prayerfully ponder those two questions, I pray you gain insight into some lies that are worth your fight to dethrone off your heart. Only God's truth should be seating on the throne of our minds and souls. Let's get free together!
p.s. The journaling prompt referenced is available free to you as a downloadable journal page on the website freebie page.
Thank you Toyin for this, may the Lord keep blessing the work of your hands.