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Weary? Stop Here.

Writer's picture: Oluwatoyin FadeyibiOluwatoyin Fadeyibi

We can all think back to a particular season of life where life was especially challenging. Everything that could go wrong seemed to do so in quick succession. For you, perhaps that insane season is still ongoing and you are desperate for relief. Or maybe life is full of blessings but the responsibilities are weighing you down.

Sister, I can relate to that weariness that sometimes feels bone-deep. Like you, I am regularly in need of deep rest for my body and soul. 

The depth of relief I need is often not experienced simply by getting a good night’s rest or even a day away alone in nature. Those things certainly help - but not in a lasting and mind-shifting way. And that search for lasting rest led me to the words from Jesus in this excerpt from the Bible that I want to share with you today:

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest . . . . You will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

– Matthew 11:28-30, NLT

I found it noteworthy that Jesus acknowledges our heavy burdens and the fact that they make us weak and tired. In His thoughtfulness, He goes a step further to offer to trade our heavy weight with His lighter weight. Furthermore, in communing with Him and not withdrawing, in embracing His way and not rejecting it, true rest really can be ours. 

A final point worth highlighting from those verses is that the word “rest” as used means “to keep quiet,” and “to be of calm and patient expectation.” And expectations we know are often easily lost in hard times because we are fearful of being disappointed. But thankfully God is not limited by our limiting beliefs; He invites us to come, and to bring with us all the heartbreaks and burdens that we have dismissed as a part of life. Truth is they do not have to be a permanent part of our lives. 

So the question is - are you ready to accept God’s invitation for rest?

Coming to God starts with a simple prayer of surrender much like this one - Lord, I am weary and in desperate need of rest for my soul. I can no longer do life in my strength, it is simply not working. Today I’m asking you to come into my heart, and forgive me for all my wrongdoing. Help me everyday to live my life aware of you as the savior of my soul and the leader of my life. 

Once you have said yes to God’s invitation, expect to  receive rest to fully recover, recollect your strength, and to regain momentum. His rest, rejuvenation and peace never ever runs out. He remains accessible to us all for free refills.

Enjoy, and stay refreshed.


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