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The Power of Declarations!

Writer's picture: Toyin FadeyibiToyin Fadeyibi

As we are now into the second month of this new year 2021, I have reset my intention toward making daily declarations. One of my favorite definitions of a declaration is from the Oxford dictionary and it defines it as “the formal announcement of the beginning of a state or condition.” It aligns with what was said of God himself in Romans 4:17, that He “called things that were not as though they were.” Since He is the one we ultimately seek to please and resemble, we should get to making faith-filled declarations as a regular part of our faith walk.

A few other scriptures point us to the importance of our faith-filled words. In Joshua 1:8 we are reminded that “this Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it…” It could have said, the book of the law should not depart from our hearts and minds(and they shouldn’t) - but instead it intentionally states from our mouth! We are to speak out what is being solidified in our hearts.

Another powerful verse is Proverbs 18:21, which says boldly - “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Presented with options of life and death I certainly choose the power of life to be released with my tongue.

How about you? In this new year, what words will you choose to speak over your life and circumstances? We have no control over what 2021 will bring but we certainly can control our reactions, words, and trust in God.

Below are some of the declarations I have begun regularly speaking out loud this year along with the verses supporting them. I will dedicate one blog post every quarter this year to bringing more scripture-supported declarations to you; in the meantime feel free to grab some of these below - or better yet, create yours this new year!

  1. Today God’s best flows out of me! His fruits of the Spirit are what are on display- joy that overflows, the peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of Spirit. (Gal 5:22)

  2. Today I will keep my eyes, heart, and thoughts focused on God, and as I do so His perfect peace is mine. (Isaiah 26:3)

  3. Today my steps are ordered by God and I commit all the work I will do today to His loving care. (Proverbs 16:3, Psalm 37:23a).

  4. Today I will use the power of my tongue to minister grace and to build up others (Ephesians 4:29).

  5. Today I will be diligent at work, using my time wisely and not being lazy or slack. (Proverbs 10:4, Ephesians 5:16)

  6. Today I walk in gratitude and give thanks for all things! (Ephesians 5:20)

  7. Today I have the grace from God to do all things without complaining or disputing. (Philippians 2:14)

  8. Today I put my full confidence in God and I will recognize and avoid every trap of the enemy. (Philippians 3:3b & in Proverbs 3:26)

  9. Today I will nourish(eat healthily) and strengthen(exercise) my body, God’s holy temple. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

  10. Today I refuse to gaze on that which is vulgar and that moves my heart away from you. (Psalm 101:3)

  11. Today I receive the grace to be quick to listen, slow to speak & slow to get angry. (James 1:19)


Continue to keep God’s words in your heart, mind, and don’t forget - in your mouth as well!


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