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Navigating the lie – “God doesn’t give a s*** about me”

Writer's picture: Toyin FadeyibiToyin Fadeyibi

Several years ago, my husband and I had a brief interaction with a homeless guy in downtown

Philadelphia. He was sharing with us at the time how people often totally ignored him and he

would overhear their insensitive comments about him to one another. After a few minutes in

dialogue with him, we exchanged pleasantries and let him know we would be praying for God to

come through for him. In response to our offer to pray for him, the young man said to us;

ugghh, God doesn’t give a s*** about me.

His comment haunted me for a while, and made me wonder how many people are walking around fully persuaded that God cares nothing for them. It also made me wonder how unhappy God must feel, that the humanity He gave His all for - felt lost, dejected and unloved by Him. 

Are you in that place today? Of feeling that you are insignificant in the world and even God could care less what becomes of you? Have you been through so much heartache and pain that you can barely see beyond the darkness you have encountered?

Then this reminder is for you today friend.

God, the creator of all things loves you. Not in a superficial, temporary or inconsistent manner,

but in a dependable way. There was never a time that He forgot about you. The Bible reminds

us in 1 John 4:16, that God is love. He embodies the purest form of love there is to be experienced. It is truly unlike any you have ever experienced. We are also reminded in 1 Corinthians 13:8 that His love never fails. 

I find it comforting to internalize these truths and I hope you will too… that God embodies love,

and He never fails. So always remember this- regardless of your shortcomings and

imperfection, His love never ceases to reach out to you. He continues to chase after you without

ever retreating. He made you in His own image, and eagerly awaits an in-person reunion with all

his children who have accepted His son Jesus. 

If you are yet to receive Jesus into your heart simply say this prayer in faith and believe in your

heart the words you are declaring:

Thank you Lord for your undying love toward me. Thank you for sending Jesus Christ to die for

my sins so that my future with you could be secure. I receive your free gift of salvation today

and ask that your Holy Spirit will come into my heart. Please forgive me of all my wrongdoing,

Help me everyday to live my life aware of you as the lover and savior of my soul and the leader

of my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. 

If you said that prayer for the first time, please send me an email to share the news -! I’d love to celebrate with you and offer you some free resources to help you grow in your new faith.



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