It is so easy during times of unexpected hardship to feel that God’s love is missing in the mix. That the mountains ahead seem unconquerable, or too far in the distance to hold on to a hopeful possibility.
But today I come bearing good news; T H E best news there is - that God’s love toward His handiwork (us) - is intense, persistent and irreversible. Romans 8:38-39 renders it beautifully; “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Take a moment right now...think of the most challenging circumstance you’re facing and let those verses sink in. The confusion and disappointment that may be tagging along, have no inherent ability to surpass the power of God’s love toward you.
It is my prayer that you feel God’s warm embrace as you read this short poem.
Raging wars, bloodshed and loss;
From one end of the globe to the other.
Political innuendos,
Driving confusion and monetizing pain.
Hope slips through the fingers of many
With tomorrow’s light dimmed before sunrise.
So where is God amidst the pain?
Where is His love that past generations spoke about?
God is here.
God’s love is here.
And no pain, havoc or evil could ever, ever, ever separate us from His love.
Lean in.