During the summer months, I spent some time volunteering with a local non profit organization that provided health care to underserved communities. To open up my time with the ladies, I started with what I considered a simple ice breaker question “what’s something cool about you?” but quickly found out it was not that easy for many to answer.
Many of the women needed much time to think up a response, while a few of them, with their heads hanging low, stated they had nothing cool to share about themselves. My light hearted posture soon turned serious as I realized that a life laden with heartbreak, trauma, addiction and abuse did not often leave room for a healthy self esteem and affirmations one might expect from loving relationships.
But how very important it is, to keep front of mind, and center of heart, how beautiful/cool/unique our creator God thinks we are. And to be reminded, that despite the hard path that we have had to endure in life, that we hold on to what HE says about us, and about our future if we stick to Him. Below are a few scriptures worth spotlighting, as reminders on those days, or long seasons when life falls very short of amazing, and no other voices but God’s is around to uplift us.
“I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139:14 NLT. You, friend, are made with great intention by God. Another translation states this verse this way; “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” Those quirks about you - are part of your complexity that make you stand out uniquely. Never let anyone persuade you out of what He says and believes about you!
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NLT. This verse reminds us once more that we are not generically manufactured items designed without purpose by our creator God. A masterpiece - as stated in the Amplified Bible Translation, is a work of art, and in the original Greek language it was penned in, means God himself made us. Could you envision that the creator God who made the dreamy stars and the mind-blowing diverse species of flowers in the world, amongst other beautiful created things would make humans - to be less than spectacular? Impossible! We were worth his EFFORT OF LOVE. YOU, friend, were worth His creative effort of love!!! Please never forget it.

It is my hope, that this short reflection and encouragement serves as a reminder to you today, that despite the obstacles you have encountered on your life’s journey, nothing can ever undo the beauty and uniqueness that God deeply instilled in you!