the worthy! facilitator guide
The Worthy! Facilitator Guide is for hope ambassadors who, having received the hope of Jesus Christ, want to be equipped to lead other women to the same gushing fountain of affirmation, hope and healing. Whether walking alongside a group of friends through the Worthy! Devotional, or leading a group of women in a homeless shelter or a safe house, this Facilitator Guide provides all of the components that you will need for an impactful gathering, again and again.

Featured sections include:

Tips for creating a safe space

Ice breakers for each theme

A curated playlist for each theme

A bonus digging deeper section featuring a woman in the Bible
(Not found in the Worthy! Devotional or I Am Worthy! Journal
Now available 5 digital themes:
You can choose a forever with God: Know your foundation
You are not unlovable: Experience God's love
Your future is worth it: Grow in hope
You are worthy!: Rebuild your confidence
You can start over: Gain excitement
Coming soon:
The full printed and bound Worthy! Facilitator Guide. ​​
The complete guide will contain all eight themes.